The Unité bed frame is a simple wooden construction that takes reference from architecture, thought like a building raised on pilotis, it is a self-supporting structure formed by columns and beams. Two large timber support equally spaced slats and can accommodate feet that lift up the bed from the floor. The integrated slats provide a soft sprung effect and replace the traditional bed slat kit. They create an airy platform allowing the mattress to be ventilated. The slats assembly to the beams in a half-lap joint manner also allows for a durable structure. Unité comes in two options, helping to create different atmospheres; it can be placed directly on the floor and thanks to the thickness of the beams it still allows the mattress to breath; it can be configured with four chunky wooden feet for a more traditional typology. Accessories can be added to the frame such as a small folded steel shelf. A shelf that can hold a reading book, a glass of water and other small items.
photography © studio CPRV

Physical DJ controllers remain an important element that connects to the digital exercise of music mixing. WDPK 83.7 is a simple USB-C DJ controller that has been stripped of all clutter, for beginners it is unthreatening and distant from any professional looks. The functionalities are kept as simple as possible, only the essentials are present to perform, and will feel just right for musicians of all kinds. Thought like a piece of graphic design the controls have been carefully laid out and meticulously organised for ease of use. Its "pocket" size makes it easier to transport from home to a party, allowing for easy handling, it fits in a backpack, with a laptop, or in a tote bag and takes the minimum space on a table top. WDPK 83.7 has been carefully considered to use a minimum amount of plastic as possible. The exterior chassis is made out of steel sheets; the keys and discs out of natural rubber; the sliders are simply rubber dipped and the rotary potentiometers are in aluminium.
photography © studio CPRV

CPRV industrial design practice is a collaborative project run by Camille Paillard and Romain Voulet, working between London and Marseille. Formed by designers gathered together from different backgrounds, the creative office designs product, lighting, furniture, interior spaces and all things to live with. The studio’s body of work is informed by an intuitive understanding of contemporary life, sensitive to context of use and always looking for a balance between materiality, simplicity and usefulness in its designs.
This is our online gallery store, selling products designed by CPRV. It will be an evolving selection of items for sale, ranging from one off’s, prototypes, project book, limited editions and other studio material. We are a small team and human, so please allow for 2 to 5 days before your order is shipped. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Camille Paillard, practiced as designer at JLK DS studio and Tom Dixon, where she worked on bespoke furniture as well as on hotels, restaurants and private interiors; for clients such as Tom Dixon, Philippe Malouin, a:tifakt, Hennessy and De Sede. Prior to this, her experience as designer included positions at Front Design, and Philippe Starck. She studied design for luxury and craftsmanship at ECAL in Switzerland, where she graduated in 2012.
Romain Voulet, former designer at Industrial Facility, under Sam Hecht and Kim Colin, where he created home furniture, office systems and things to live with; for industry pioneers such as Herman Miller, Muji or Mattiazzi. He previously practiced at Youmeus Design where he designed everyday objects for clients such as Panasonic, Joseph Joseph, Nokia and Kenwood. He studied industrial design at EID in the South of France, where he graduated in 2011.
Licht Gallery, UTIL, Ligne Roset, Cinna, LG, Samsung, Damyel, Haier, Kolektiv Gallery, YSL, Doulton, Baccarat, Loose Joints, Azur, B—Line
Switch: Case Studies article by Tsuchida Takahiro, sep. 2024
KGT, project book, nov. 2022
Courrier, project book, sep. 2021
WDPK 83.7, paper, mar. 2021
Unité, project book, sep. 2020
Minimalissimo: WDPK 83.7 article by Carl MH Barenbrug, apr. 2020
おさめる つける やすむ, Licht gallery, solo show, summer 2024
A Calm Place, 3 Days of Design, Objective Studies, Aso & Unité daybed, jun. 2024
Palmo y Medio, Nave Seis, Paraluz, may. 2024
Canvas, Milan Design Week, Emil Milano, Canvas, apr. 2024
Art-o-rama, Aplat, sep. 2023
Prototypology 350, Kolektiv gallery, solo show, spring 2021
#302: Exhibition Series, Kiosk NY gallery, Courrier, apr. 2021
Family Guys, Tape vase, summer 2020
Touch Wood, Dray Walk gallery, Dry Ikebana, oct. 2019
Iconic Awards, Interior Products, winner, KGT Wall Unit, apr. 2024
Prix Région Sud, Art-o-rama, finalist, sep. 2023
Wallpaper* Design Award, Best Metal Morphosis, 1st prize, KGT, jan. 2022
Dezeen x LG, Oled's Go, finalist, Virage and ON & ON, apr. 2021
Cinna Révélateur de Talents, Cinna - Ligne Roset, finalist, Courrier, feb. 2020
+33 6 12 77 06 75 (FR)
+44 7 761 668 626 (UK)
instagram linkedin
Camille Paillard, practiced as designer at JLK DS studio and Tom Dixon, where she worked on bespoke furniture as well as on hotels, restaurants and private interiors; for clients such as Tom Dixon, Philippe Malouin, a:tifakt, Hennessy and De Sede. Prior to this, her experience as designer included positions at Front Design and Philippe Starck. She studied design for luxury and craftsmanship at ECAL in Switzerland, where she graduated in 2012.
Romain Voulet, former designer at Industrial Facility, under Sam Hecht and Kim Colin, where he created home furniture, office systems and things to live with; for industry pioneers such as Herman Miller, Muji or Mattiazzi. He previously practiced at Youmeus Design where he designed everyday objects for clients such as Panasonic, Joseph Joseph, Nokia and Kenwood. He studied industrial design at EID in the South of France, where he graduated in 2011.
Switch: Case Studies article by Tsuchida Takahiro, sep. 2024
KGT, project book, nov. 2022
Courrier, project book, sep. 2021
WDPK 83.7, paper, mar. 2021
Unité, project book, sep. 2020
Minimalissimo: WDPK 83.7 article by Carl MH Barenbrug, apr. 2020
おさめる つける やすむ, Licht gallery, solo show, summer 2024
A Calm Place, 3 Days of Design, Objective Studies, Aso & Unité daybed, jun. 2024
Palmo y Medio, Nave Seis, Paraluz, may. 2024
Canvas, Milan Design Week, Emil Milano, Canvas, apr. 2024
Art-o-rama, Aplat, sep. 2023
Prototypology 350, Kolektiv gallery, solo show, spring 2021
#302: Exhibition Series, Kiosk NY gallery, Courrier, apr. 2021
Family Guys, Tape vase, summer 2020
Touch Wood, Dray Walk gallery, Dry Ikebana, oct. 2019
Iconic Awards, Interior Products, winner, KGT Wall Unit, apr. 2024
Prix Région Sud, Art-o-rama, finalist, sep. 2023
Wallpaper* Design, Best Metal Morphosis, 1st prize, KGT, jan. 2022
Dezeen x LG, Oled's Go, finalist, Virage and ON & ON, apr. 2021
Cinna Révélateur de Talents, Cinna - Ligne Roset, finalist, Courrier, feb. 2020